Food Packing And Weighing
Paint Equipment
Excessive packaging is an impulsive
Views: 6943 AddTime: 2011-9-10
Packaging is a marketing tool that can increase the added value of goods. The packaging is luxurious and the goods are of high grade, so the value will naturally rise. On the other hand, for many people, buying and giving moon cakes are "public relations behaviors." Only with exquisite packaging and luxurious appearance can you gain face and show your identity. A lot of excessive packaging is the result of the combined effect of the producer's impulse to profit and the consumer's face consumption.
The choice of the market has a social mentality behind it. When the relationship between people becomes a "personal resource", gifts and etiquette change from expressing affection and communicating feelings to a way of conveying and exchanging benefits. Under the wind, even gifts for visiting relatives and friends are inevitably expensive and luxurious, showing a state of "exaggeration".
Excessive packaging style of "exaggeration", not only blowing in the field of goods? Some people have more than 20 titles printed on their business cards. They are all-encompassing from chairman to consultant, and are ridiculed as "title inflation"; some are chasing famous bags, famous brands of clothing, and luxury goods all over the body, known as "brand worship"; others are keen on the unnecessary For all kinds of awards, pay the prizes for publicity, and pursue the "award effect."
This common problem is also common in construction in some places. Or "build an international metropolis" at every turn, and even let half of the citizens learn to speak English; or build a "Moonlight City" or "Chinese Ghost Capital" out of nothing, with an unprecedented scale of investment; and even derive Ximen Qing from the only words in the novels. The former residence, the hometown of Monkey King and other gimmicks, made great efforts in civil engineering and hype.
This is reminiscent of the story of Moutai winning the gold medal at the Panama World Expo in the early last century. At that time Moutai was packed in dark brown earthenware pots, which was relatively simple and rustic. Because I was confident that the wine was good, the exhibitors broke the bottle during the display, and the wine was full of fragrance, which caused a sensation and became a classic of "good wine is not afraid of deep alleys".
However, Moutai's gold award cannot cover the overall backwardness of the industrial economy. Over the next century, especially in recent decades, "Made in China" has pursued the world trend with both technical hard work and reflection on the concept of "first-class products, second-rate packaging, and third-rate prices". Regrettably, with this kind of progressive reflection, some Chinese people who became rich and eager to become rich began to decorate their lives with luxurious, extravagant, and exquisite lace, and then went into the "not seeking the best, only The misunderstandings of "seeking the most expensive" and "disregarding the lining, as long as the face" are used to attract eyeballs with "packaging" and use "brand name" to raise their status.
Experience has shown that it takes a process for a rapidly developing country to get rid of the utilitarian and impetuous mentality of getting rich, and to get rid of the lack of cultural self-confidence and poor consumer taste. The sublimation of consciousness categories such as fashion and mentality has a relatively lagging process compared with the improvement of the material foundation, not to mention our material foundation is not very solid. Under such circumstances, relying on administrative orders to curb excessive packaging and to promote pragmatic development with concept guidance is a good intention, and it is certainly helpful. However, the long-term effect needs to be further developed and precipitated by the entire society. There are only more and more genuine gold award Moutais, and sincere service to the people has been praised. Sincere communication has gradually become the mainstream of interpersonal communication. The so-called deletion of complex and simple, returning to the basics is not just a "requirement."
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